- 它想要缓慢的废黜美元作为全球贸易交易中首选货币的地位。
- It wants to slowly dethrone the almighty dollar as the currency of choice in most global trade deals .
- 但他也很顽强,那些想要罢免他的阴谋最终化为泡影。
- But he is also tenacious . Plots to dethrone him as leader have come to nothing .
- 也就是说,你可以断定费米实验室的小伙子和姑娘们很乐意在废黜相对论的相关试验中尽一份薄力进而获得一些声望。
- That said , you can bet the lads and lasses at fermilab will be happy to grab any credit they can for helping dethrone relativity .