- 10沙尘暴期间一个戴着围巾的孩子,摄于5月12日2011年黑龙江省哈尔滨。
- 10 A child wears a scarf during a sandstorm in harbin , heilongjiang province , on may 12 , 2011 .
- 但据国有媒体报道,黑龙江省的官员们担心该消息可能会引发省会城市居民的恐慌。
- But officials in heilongjiang were nervous that the news might spark panic among their capital 's residents , according to state-owned media .
- 新华社周四有关扩大贸易项目的报导没有具体说明将包括哪些地区,只是说东北的黑龙江省将是其中之一。
- Thursday 's xinhua report on the expansion of the trade program didn 't specify which regions will be included , except to say that the northeastern province of heilongjiang would be among them .