- 过去的工厂立足于生产成千上万完全一样的产品:福特曾说过,买车的顾客可以选择任何想要的颜色,只要是黑色的就行。
- The factory of the past was based on cranking out zillions of identical products : ford famously said that car-buyers could have any colour they liked , as long as it was black .
- 在sutter和hyde大街交汇的十字路口,这辆黑色汽车显得有些奇怪。
- There was something odd about the black car at the junction of sutter and hyde streets .
- 为了犒劳自己,我给自己买了第一辆车,这是一辆黑色的丰田跑车。
- I decided to reward myself with a new car . It was a black toyota supra , the first car I ever bought on my own .