- 我是说这个爱尔兰女妖预言的准确率是多少?
- I mean , what the hell is this banshee 's batting average ?
- 你改变不了爱尔兰女妖的预言!
- You cannot fight a banshee 's prediction !
- 如果不是的话,要么他就是在尝试某些未来x-战警电影中的banshee的角色。
- Either that or he was trying out for the role of banshee in some future x-men movie .
- 现代作家批评这些公司共谋压迫人民,但这些公司并没有其它现实的选择。
- Modern writers criticise these companies for complicity in oppression , but they had no other realistic option .
- 一些他的官员和盟友遭指控与右派民兵串通共谋,且军队开枪射杀很多无辜百姓。
- Several of his officials and allies have been accused of complicity with the paramilitaries and his army murdered many civilians .
- 奈迪姆最出名的一本书中提到了2007年警察共谋杀害了亚美尼亚新闻记者赫兰特丁克一事。
- Mr sener is best known for a book that documents the complicity of the police in the 2007 murder of hrant dink , a turkish journalist of armenian origin .