- 除鱼翅外,温州的规定还明令禁止食用含野生黄鱼和鲍鱼的菜肴,不得提供茅台和五粮液等高档酒以及高档香烟。
- Besides shark 's fin , the wenzhou requirement specifically bans the consumption of treats such as dishes that include wild yellow croaker and abalone , high-end liquor brands such as maotai , wuliangye , and high-grade cigarettes .
- 冻鲣鱼、冻青占鱼、冻黄占鱼、冻章鱼、冻鱿鱼及其他鱼类和头足类下脚料。
- Frozen bonito , frozen mackerel , frozen yellow croaker , frozen octopus , frozen squid , other fishes and cephalopod byproduct .
- 大黄鱼抗病和抗应激性育种技术。
- Breeding technology for disease-resistant and stress-tolerant large yellow croaker .