- 周三时候,桑切斯结束了两个月作为黄金时段主持人的日子。
- On wednesday , mr. sanchez ended two months as an interim prime-time anchor .
- 布兰登詹宁斯是一个傲慢,不守纪律的新人是谁都不准备黄金时段的竞争。
- Brandon jennings is a brash , undisciplined rookie who 's not at all ready for prime-time competition .
- 官方认为,该节目的过错之一就是它的播放时长超出了正常标准(90分钟);过错之二是它在黄金时段播放(这节目太火了)。
- Officially , one of its sins was allowing episodes to exceed its 90-minute permitted time-slot . It was also wrong to show them at prime time ( the programmes were too racy ) .