- 特别的是那些研究提示bada或许生命的诞生不是在达尔文以前猜想的“温暖的小池塘中”而是在火山猛烈喷发的环境中。
- In particular , they suggest to bada that life might have arisen , not in the " warm little pool " that darwin himself once guessed , but in the violent environs of volcanic eruptions .
- “犯有如此十恶不赦罪行的人不能被称之为穆斯林,”hanifnalkhande说,他是哈福清真寺信托基金的理事,哈福清真寺信托基金在孟买拥有巴达卡不莱斯坦墓地,该墓地占地三公顷。
- " People who committed this heinous crime cannot be called muslim , " said hanif nalkhande , a trustee of the jamia masjid trust , which runs the three-hectare ( 7.5 acres ) bada kabrastan graveyard in mumbai .
- miller离开芝加哥后他与bada一起在圣迭戈的斯克里普斯海洋学研究所工作。
- After miller left chicago , he worked alongside bada at the scripps institution of oceanography , in san diego .
- 我并不是在嘲笑这种活动。
- I am not laughing at this .
- 笑是另一种很有效的方法。
- Laughing is another very powerful one .
- 所以也还有一个站在外面嘲笑我的男人?
- So there 's a man out there laughing at me , too ?