- 这个激素作为饮食疗法从来没有成功过是因为大多数超重者对它已经麻木没反应了。
- The hormone never panned out as a diet aid because most overweight people have become insensitive to it .
- 问:“”因为我“感觉迟钝”、“小气”,与我结婚四年半的丈夫决定离开我。
- Q : because I 'm " insensitive " and " mean , " my husband of four and a half years has decided to leave me .
- 这样的做法未必就是冷酷无情或麻木不仁。
- Such an approach is not necessarily callous or insensitive .
- 只有最坚定的规定主义者才会完全不理现代用法。
- And none but the most hardened prescriptivists would completely ignore information about modern usage .
- 角质层位于指甲或趾甲基部边缘的硬化带状皮肤。
- The strip of hardened skin at the base and sides of a fingernail or toenail .
- 而卫星外壳正被硬化,以保护电路免受微波或其他电子武器的灼伤。
- Satellite cases are being hardened to prevent circuitry from being fried by microwaves or other electronic weaponry .
- 由于半辈子的苦难,他一度敏锐的头脑也变得麻木了。
- His mind , once sharp , has been numbed by half a lifetime of hardship .
- 丑闻曝光以来,不断的有内幕爆出,愤怒的公众对此已倍感麻木。
- A constant drip of disclosures since then has numbed the public 's outrage .
- 这使他心冷了,甚至呆住了。
- It chilled and almost numbed him at first .