- 利用姬松茸固体发酵麦麸提高膳食纤维得率的研究。
- Solid fermentation of wheat bran with agaricus blazei murill for increasing yield of dietary fiber .
- 介绍了以麦麸、豆渣、玉米芯、椰子渣、蔗渣为原料制备膳食纤维技术及其生理功能。
- Preparation techniques and physiological actions of the dietary fibers from wheat bran , bean residue , corncob , cocoanut residue , bagasse are introduced .
- 冲半杯全麦麸麦片,搭配另外的全天然谷物面包、亚麻籽、奇亚籽、燕麦麸、和原始麦麸、也可以增加早餐中纤维的含量。
- Mix one-half cup of 100-per-cent bran cereal with another whole-grain cereal . Ground flaxseed , chia seeds , oat bran and raw wheat bran also add fibre at breakfast .
- 日本:电子巨头夏普斯报告为13002亿元的年度亏损。
- Japan : electronics giant sharps reports $ 1.3 bln annual loss .
- 扮演一个社区尖锐物-所有用过的针筒针头以及外科用小。
- Be a community sharps safety stickler with all used syringes , needles and lancets .
- 增加高调在例子33中同样可用;可在任何大的间隙和钢琴的任何音域上弹奏。
- Add sharps and fiats to example 33 also ; use any larger intervals and any register of the piano .