- 当我们驶过古木参天的原始森林,荷兰研究人员艾伦姆勒曼(ellenmeulman)认出了犀鸟和罕见的史东氏鹳。
- As we sailed past the pristine forest of gigantic trees , ellen meulman , a dutch researcher , identified hornbills and the rare storm 's stork .
- 虽然波兰的官方标志是白鹰,但鹳却是乡村生活的象征,它们的窝在乡间的树顶与电话杆上随处可见。
- Although the white eagle is poland 's official symbol , the stork , whose nests are found on the top of trees and telephone poles across the countryside , is a token of village life .
- 鹳母亲和儿子呆在家,小灰鹳还是哭个不停,鹳妈妈就对儿子说:“儿子,你老爸很快就回来了,但是现在他正在为新妈妈和新爸爸带来欢乐。”
- Mother and son are sitting in the nest , the baby stork is crying , and mother is saying " son , your father will be back as soon as possible , but now he 's bringing joy to new mommies and daddies . "
- 在马来亚布罗纳亚街和博尔塞纳街的交汇路口,现今在以大主教的池塘而闻名的莫斯科繁华区,有一尊两只雏鹳的雕像。
- At the corner of malaya bronnaya and bolshaya bronnaya streets , in the now-plush area of moscow known as patriarch 's ponds , stands a statue of two nestling storks .
- 缅甸蟒,如图中这条,其猎食范围非常广,包括短吻鳄,林鹳,林鼠。
- Burmese pythons , such as this one , have been found to consume a wide variety of wildlife , including alligators , wood storks and key largo woodrats .
- 这是国家的一个飞跃,安德鲁这样说道(引用战争史学家米歇尔霍华德爵士的话),对待情报机构的态度犹如对待婚内性行为态度-谈论起来有失体统。“醋栗从里发现的敌人间谍,鹳找到的情报”
- This is a leap for a country where , as mr andrew puts it ( quoting sir michael howard , a military historian ) , attitudes to intelligence were akin to those on sex within marriage-discussing it is bad form . " Enemy agents are found under gooseberry bushes and intelligence is brought by the storks . "