- 但是,赖先生对于来自像乐购、家乐福和沃尔玛的竞争并不担忧。
- But lai is serenely unperturbed by competition from the likes of tesco , carrefour and wal-mart .
- 在赖先生离逝后,富士康的工人们驱车前往赖先生的老家并送回一盒骨灰。
- After mr. lai died , foxconn workers drove to mr. lai 's hometown and delivered a box of ashes .
- 赖先生的第二个班次上了两小时后,整幢大楼开始晃动,好像发生了地震。
- Two hours into mr. lai 's second shift , the building started to shake , as if an earthquake was under way .