- 谁会在你的非盈利时报前50榜单里呢?
- Who would be on your top 50 np times list ?
- 成为阿海珐的股东,西门子不仅贡献了资金,而且还将德国全套核能技术带入了这家合资企业。
- It became a shareholder in areva np not just by contributing money , but by bringing germany 's entire nuclear-power industry to the venture .
- 这个榜单中的一些人并不认为他们是“下一代”,然而由于他们并不在非盈利时报的50人榜单上,我决定把他们加进来。
- There are a few people on this list that may not consider themselves the next generation , however I decided to include them because they haven 't made it on the np times top 50 list yet .