- 对读者来说,他那些令人着迷的业余研究领域只是寥寥数笔带过,然后就迫不急待地直奔下一主题去了,而读者只是简单的接受了其不确定的理论。
- But having shown the reader a glimpse of this fascinating byway , he speeds straight past , impatient to reach the next intellectual stop , while the tentative theory is simply accepted .
- 近来,人们纷纷涌向莲香楼或中环附近的陆羽茶室(lukyuteahouse),以体验往昔的岁月。
- These days people flock to lin heung for a glimpse of the past , or the smarter luk yu teahouse nearby in central .
- 那烂陀项目诱人前景也十分明晰:能让人看到过去的辉煌,同时为邻近国家间的区域合作提供了机会。
- And the project 's appeal is clear : nalanda offers both a glimpse of a glorious past and a chance of a bit of neighbourly collaboration .