- 当在枪战类游戏中使用时,可也以做步枪使用。
- When you play gunfight game , it can be used as the musket .
- 火枪手以滑膛枪为武器的士兵。
- A soldier armed with a musket .
- 因其所使用的一种名为龙骑枪的短滑膛枪而得名。
- The term derived from his weapon , a short musket called the dragoon .
- 鲁伊斯先生我可以跟你坦白讲吗?
- Mr. ruiz , can I speak with you frankly ?
- 你跟阿尔佩托鲁伊斯是什么关系呢先生?
- What 's your connection with alberto ruiz , sir ?
- 鲁伊兹死后我为何不走?
- Why wouldn 't I just leave town after ruiz was killed ?