- 我们繁忙的生活以及所有我们的义务正要吞噬着我们拥有的每一分空闲的时间。
- Our busy lives and all of our obligations threaten to swallow up every last second of free time that we have .
- 中铝兴建新城的原因是,为了开采2007年以8.6亿美元价格购买的铜矿,必须削平一座海拔4600米的山峰特罗莫克山(toromocho),意为“没有角的公牛”再挖出巷道,最终吞噬这个贫困的采矿社区。
- Chinalco is building the new town because in order to tap a copper deposit it bought in 2007 for $ 860m , it has to decapitate a 4600 - metre peak known as toromocho , or " the bull with no horns " , and dig a crater that will swallow up this impoverished mining community .
- 大多数尝试着雇佣员工的自由职业者在几周内就发现自己面临现金流方面的问题,最后只好被迫解散团队并恢复成单兵作战或找个大的公司把自己兼并掉。
- And most freelancers who attempt to expand and hire employees find themselves facing cashflow problems within weeks and either have to disassemble their team and go back to being a solo freelancer , or have to look for a bigger company to swallow them up .