- 阋神星缓缓地从鲸鱼座间通过。
- Moving slowly through the constellation cetus .
- 上周在鲸鱼座发现的这颗彗星将在它接近太阳的过程中不断变亮。
- The comet spotted last week in the constellation cetus should continue to brighten as it approaches the sun .
- 波江星座在南天接近鲸鱼座和天炉座的一个星座。
- A constellation in the southern hemisphere near fornax and cetus .
- 结果却发现他听到是的鲸的声音。
- It turns out , he was hearing the whale .
- 在亚速尔群岛,我看到了鲸的社会在起作用。
- In the azores , I saw whale society at work .
- 布莱克女士从来都要剪辑观鲸游的商业录像以增强其趣味性。
- Ms black always edits the commercial videos of her whale outings to make them more interesting .