- 我们需要将这种赎金变为诱饵。
- We need to turn it into bait .
- 她承诺阿拉伯世界,美国将更努力支持创建巴勒斯坦国,以此为饵。
- Her bait is a promise to the arab world that she will put more american muscle behind the creation of a palestinian state .
- 我们还驶过两条腹部朝天的死鲸鱼,有人提议把它们拖到斯瓦尔巴群岛上去当熊饵。
- We also pass two dead whales , belly up on the surface , prompting an irreverent suggestion that we tow them to svalbard to use as bear bait .
- 杀手4月28日被处决。
- The killer was executed on april 28th .
- droid是一款iphone杀手手机吗?
- Is the droid an iphone killer ?
- 这听起来似乎预示着一个杀手级应用正在启动。
- Sounds like a killer startup in the making .
- 还有你的老朋友法兰西斯盖特列夫以及他的朋友们。
- There 's your old chum , francis getliffe and his friends .
- 这种气味已经足够让我觉得反胃。
- The smell was enough to make my stomach chum .
- 但是,友好地对待你的自由职业者是其一,但是变成密友完全脱离了工作主题,最终导致成了闲聊,那又是另一回事了。
- But being friendly with your freelancer is one thing , being a chum who goes completely off topic or worse into gossip , is another .