- 这正如dictionary.com上关于动词incept的记录一样,可以认为是对拉丁语单词incipere的直译,意思是“开始”,但分析其各个组成部分的意思则是“吸纳”
- This , as dictionary.com notes in its definition of the verb incept , can be taken as a literal translation of the original latin incipere , which means " commence " but , broken down into its constituent parts , is " in-take " .
- 不久之前,世界还在为破败不堪的非洲悲叹。
- Not so long ago , the world lamented its broken continent .
- 可在未来野心家眼里,迫使美国应付支离破碎的初选机制,只会给自己带来好处。
- But it will be a boon to future aspirants if it forces america to deal with its broken primary system .