- 这些知情人士说,davidstar的另一名合伙人秦思新(音)是在内地遭到拘捕的几个人之一。
- Qin si xin , another partner of david star , is among those who have been detained in china , these people say .
- 他用我的笔认真地写下了宋朝诗人辛弃疾的一首词。
- With my pen , he carefully wrote out several dozen characters from a poem by the song dynasty poet xin qiji .
- 站在我旁边的,我今天的搭档,可爱的刘欣。
- Next to me , my co-host for today , the lovely liu xin .
- 上帝从我们身上移除罪恶。
- God removes our sin from us .
- 我们忽视了他对罪恶的憎恶。
- We have disregarded his hatred for sin .
- 英国航空公司上月推出了去往罪恶之城的新航线。
- British airways launched a new route to sin city last month .