- 自闭症协会的行政长官马克里弗说,协会很欢迎这样的研究。
- Mark lever , chief executive of nas , said the society welcomed the research .
- 迈瑞的主要目标是开拓海外市场。
- A chief aim is expanding abroad .
- 首席执行官们面临着一种选择。
- Chief executives face a choice .
- 耷拉着脑袋低垂着眼睛?
- Bowed head and lowered eyes ?
- 在首脑会议上,传统经济大国将不得不为他们腾出更多的空间。
- The traditional powers will have to make more room for them at the head table .
- 博恩斯教授抬起头来。
- Professor burns raised her head .
- 这是围绕魁北克在加拿大内部未来的长期争论所提供的教训。
- That is one lesson from the protracted debate over quebec 's future inside canada .
- 媒体声称,魁北克的腐败与摇摇欲坠的公路撞到了一块儿。
- Media claims of corruption have coincided with the crumbling of quebec 's roads .
- 毫无疑问魁北克的讲法语的人更强烈地感受到英语的威胁。
- No wonder the french-speakers of quebec feel even more threatened by the ubiquity of english .
- 前国际奥委会委员kaiholm说,如此短暂的露面也许起到了反效果。
- Former ioc member kai holm said that the brevity of his appearance may have counted against him .
- 他的两位弟弟及新鸿基董事局其他成员目前有两周时间,在法庭上对郭炳湘的主张进行回应。
- His younger brothers and the rest of the sun hung kai board now have two weeks to respond in court to walter 's claims .
- 2000年,德维莱尔与谷开来一起成立了一家英国公司adadlimited,当时谷开来使用了horuskai一名。
- In 2000 , mr devillers set up a uk company adad limited with ms gu , who used the name horus kai .