- 即使顶级大师也无法抵挡一篇优秀的鬼故事的魅力。
- Even top academics can 't resist a good ghost story .
- 他站在那里看着那个鬼,吓得不能动弹。
- Eg. he stood staring at the ghost , transfixed with terror .
- 兰克思是一个拥有25000人口的叙利亚村庄,其西部区域成了一座鬼镇。
- The western half of rankous , a syrian village of 25000 , is a ghost town .
- “你肯定还没有通过幻影显形的考试吧?”他问。
- You have not , of course , passed your apparition test , he said .
- 可预言的杰西塔告诉她父母有关离奇出现的幻影,普遍有怀疑的反作用力。
- Predictably jacinta told her parents about the apparition and there was a general reaction of disbelief .
- 他常常看见幽灵,一个不可思议地像他那死去女儿的姑娘。
- He is visited by an apparition , a girl mysteriously resembling his dead daughter .
- 让你的灵魂开始翱翔。
- Let your spirit start to soar .
- 阿特拉斯讲的正是这种精神。
- Atlas speaks to this spirit .
- 当你奏乐时,你的灵魂在飞翔。
- Your spirit flies when you are playing music .
- 无论何时用生物学解释行为,社会达尔文主义和优生学的幽灵就会在这种背景下浮出水面。
- Whenever biology meets behaviour the spectre of social darwinism and eugenics looms menacingly in the background .
- 一个幽灵或一个鬼怪,是我们的过去某些已经失败的东西的暗示。
- A spectre or an apparition is a present reminder that something has gone awry in our past .
- 马尔萨斯关于全球食品短缺的幽灵追随着世界经济的发展,这在现代经济史上不是第一次。
- This is not the first time in modern economic history that the malthusian spectre of global food shortages has stalked the world economy .