- 证据显示不管是新鲜红血球或鬼影细胞,皆无法通过完整的前玻璃体膜。
- It has been shown that neither fresh rbcs nor ghost cells could pass through an intact hyaloid face .
- 摘要鬼影细胞青光眼的病人通常有足以破坏前玻璃体膜的病史,如白内障摘除,玻璃体切除或外伤。
- The clinical history of a patient with ghost cell glaucoma usually includes an event likely to have disrupted the anterior hyaloid face , such as cataract extraction , vitrectomy , or trauma .
- 但圣帕特里克大义凛然,立即摘下一棵三叶紫花苜蓿,形象地阐了然圣父、圣子、圣灵三位一体的教义。他雄辩的演讲使爱尔兰人深受打动,接管了圣帕特里克主施的隆重浸礼。
- But shengpatelike is brave in the face of danger , takes off at once a trefoil alfalfa , the image field have expounded holy father , son of god , holy ghost three-in-one religious doctrine . His eloquence speech has made irish be deeply moved , has accepted the ceremonious baptism that the shengpatelike host executes .
- 因为害怕遭受更多的袭击,卡诺集市上的商人们不愿意谈论博科圣地。
- Traders in kano markets are reluctant to comment on boko haram , fearing more attacks .
- 1月20日,卡诺成为了该组织迄今为止最为血腥的一次袭击的目标。
- On january 20th , kano was the target of the group 's most deadly attack to date .
- 日本农林水产相鹿野道彦28日在记者会上被问及是否向俄方寻求调查协助时表示:“首先要查明事情真相。”
- Forestry and fisheries of japan 28 michihiko kano phase at a press conference asked whether to seek investigative assistance to the russian side , said : " we must first find out the truth . "