- 但是在rf与其余部分的大脑有着大量的关联,这让研究梦境变得很困难。
- But the widespread connections between the rf and the rest of the brain make dreams difficult to study .
- rfhotels称,作为一个一般规则,它只雇用具有五星级酒店丰富工作经验、拥有强大关系网的门房。
- Rf hotels says that , as a general rule , it only employs concierges with extensive experience in the five-star hotel sector who have exceptionally strong contacts .
- 而且,任何和经导管射频消融有关的ima变化都无法和白蛋白变化联系起来因为白蛋白水平在这一过程中预计不会发生变化。
- Moreover , any changes in ima in association with rf ablation cannot be attributed to albumin variations because albumin levels are not expected to vary in relation to this procedure .