- 二胡与高胡的交叉演奏就像一对翩翩起舞的美丽蝴蝶……,演奏出一段优美、浪漫、神秘而动人的爱情故事。
- The beginning of this music brings you a dream by belling in wind and girl 's singing , and the ensemble of erhu and gaohu as two dancing butterflies tells you a sweet , romantic , secret and moving love story ......
- 小学入学人数在1994年达到顶峰,此后一直下降;中学入学人数在2003年触顶,高考申请人数在2008年触顶。
- Primary school enrollment hit a peak in 1994 and has been falling ever since ; secondary school enrollment peaked in 2003 ; applications for the college entrance ' gao kao ' exam peaked in 2008 .
- 你碰巧认识高先生吗?
- Do you happen to know mr. kao ?
- 最大的赢家包括花王和高丝化妆品公司、明治食品公司、以及盐野义制药株式会社、中外制药株式会社和安斯泰来制药厂三家制药公司。
- The largest gains were seen by cosmetics companies kao and kose , food company meiji , and three pharmaceutical companies : shionogi & co. , chugai pharmaceutical co. , and astellas .