- 高压天气系统在把好天气以及晴朗天空带到美国的同时,也创造了这“大气层上的艺术”。
- The high-pressure weather system that brought fair weather and relatively clear skies to the united states also created this atmospheric art .
- 这两起事件与一种大规模的大气环流模式有关,该模式正在俄罗斯上空形成一片持续时间很久的高气压区。
- The two events are linked by a large-scale pattern of atmospheric circulation which is producing a particularly persistent area of high pressure over russia .
- 主要原因是“阻塞事件”一种静态大气模式,自七月中旬以来,困住了从非洲拉入热空气充溢俄罗斯西部的高压。
- The primary cause was a " blocking event " a static atmospheric pattern that has trapped a high-pressure bubble over western russia since mid-july , pulling in hot air from africa .
- 梅雨期西太平洋副热带高压异常东退与东风带扰动关系的合成诊断分析。
- The composite analysis of the relationship between the abnormal retreat of the subtropical anticyclone over the western pacific ocean and the easterlies vortex in meiyu period .
- 夏季北印度洋海温异常对西北太平洋低层反气旋异常的影响。
- Impact of north indian ocean ssta on northwest pacific lower layer anomalous anticyclone in summer .
- 西太平洋和南海地区赤道反气旋活动及其对台风路径的影响。
- On the activity of equatorial anticyclone over the western pacific and the south china sea and its effects on the tracks of typhoon movement .