- 从青铜时代到盎格鲁撒克逊时代的北欧,他们会把武器和其他一些价值较高的物品存放在沼泽、河流与溪流、或者是地下。
- In a practice in northern europe dating from the bronze age through anglo-saxon times , swords and other objects , many conspicuously valuable , were deposited in bogs , rivers , and streams as well as in the ground .
- 独角兽被屠宰后,它的角会在婚宴上被端到新郎新娘面前,因为独角兽的角,或实际上通常是独角鲸的角被认为是效力强劲的壮阳药。
- The horn of the slaughtered unicorn was then presented to the bride and groom at the wedding feast and ground unicorn horn usually narwhal horn in practice was believed to be a powerful aphrodisiac .
- 畜牧业对土壤的破坏更为严重家畜啃食地表植被,过度放牧、缺乏复植使整块土地上的光合作用完全停止,当然也不再出现之后的含碳腐殖质储存过程。
- Animal husbandry made things worse , as domesticated animals began grazing grasslands down to the earth . In places where the ground is bare-from overgrazing or from the common practice of leaving fields unplanted for part of the year-photosynthesis stops , and so does the storage of carbon in the soil .