- 高脂肪食物会在短期内产生安慰的效果,长期产生肥胖相反会在情绪方面产生负面效果,而饮食不当是全球流行肥胖的原因,fulton同时说。
- " In the short-term high-fat food feels comforting , but in the long-term , and with increasing adiposity ( fat mass ) it is having negative effects on mood . We know that diet is a large contributor to the obesity epidemic throughout the world , " fulton added .
- 高血压只要调理情绪而不吃降压药行吗?
- Do not eat as long as the mood of high blood pressure depressor conditioning right ?
- 人体内有一种神经传递质叫血清素,当你吃脂肪过多的鱼肉时,或者补充高质量的鱼肝油时,你的血清素水平会上升,这会使你的情绪上涨。
- There 's a neurotransmitter called serotonin in your body , and when you eat fatty fish , or take a high-quality fishoil supplement , your serotonin levels go up , which leads to your mood going up .