- 请问将军们能抵住诱惑去粉碎因工资而生的工人罢工,去延迟埃及几十年的应急法律的废除或者去偏转鬼论信仰的以色列给的批评吗?
- Can the generals resist the temptation to smash workers striking for pay , to delay the repeal of egypt 's decades-old " emegency " law or to deflect criticism by demonising israel ?
- 英国学生,在一次游行中抗议高额的教育费用,焚烧海报并且砸碎执政保守党总部的窗户。
- British students , in a demonstration against higher tuition fees , burn placards and smash windows at the headquarters of the governing conservatives .
- 科学家花费数亿美元来创造技术先进的设备,这些设备能将许多原子在一起粉碎,另外,科学家们还花费了上万小时的人工对相关的实验数据进行处理。
- Scientists have spent hundreds of millions of dollars creating technologically advanced devices that can smash atoms together , and tens of thousands of hours of manpower pouring over the resulting data .
- 叉车载着各种零部件在头顶上弥漫的流行音乐中忙碌的进出。
- Pop music blares from overhead speakers as forklift trucks rush around with components .
- 我朝山间张望,白色的海浪和金色的沙滩呈现在眼前,秃鹫和苍鹰在空中翱翔。
- I glimpsed , between the hills , sea and white surf curling on golden sand ; vultures and buzzards floated overhead .
- 200名战士逮捕了塞拉亚并将他驱逐出境后,装甲车在特古西加尔巴街头巡逻,战斗机在首都上空徘徊。
- After 200 soldiers arrested mr zelaya and deported him , armoured cars patrolled tegucigalpa and fighter jets flew overhead .