Can the generals resist the temptation to smash workers striking for pay , to delay the repeal of egypt 's decades-old " emegency " law or to deflect criticism by demonising israel ?
British students , in a demonstration against higher tuition fees , burn placards and smash windows at the headquarters of the governing conservatives .
Scientists have spent hundreds of millions of dollars creating technologically advanced devices that can smash atoms together , and tens of thousands of hours of manpower pouring over the resulting data .
As mr cook celebrates his first anniversary at apple 's helm , the company continues to smash records .
The way to turn off the warning light is not to smash it out , but to find the problem .
If you discover a crystal heart undergound , smash it and then activate it , a nurse will move in .
But the strength it took to smash them was still just a bit more than local raccoons can muster-meaning crabs may remodel with their predator 's bite in mind . The results are in the journal of the royal society interface .
Smash one of these small planets open and the fragments from the centre will form metallic meteorites .
A bunch of protons smash into a fixed target , creating a horde of scattered mesons , which last for fractions of a second before decaying into neutrinos .
And as I sit with my iv drip , I 'm mindful of those in government and business who would smash the delicate mechanism of the hospital and shatter the network of dependence that sustains me .