- 可是当我注视着前方的屏幕时,突然觉得大腿有点痒。
- As I stare straight up , I notice an itch on my thigh .
- 他用氯仿麻醉了自己,并用剃刀割破了大腿。
- He 'd anaesthetized himself with chloroform and slashed open his thigh with a razor .
- 意大利后卫吉尔乔基耶利尼在经受了大腿受伤之后现已恢复了训练。
- The italy defender giorgio chiellini has started training following a thigh injury .
- 胫骨号是藏传佛教密宗的法器之一。胫骨号的用材一般是取自因难产而死亡的妇女的胫骨,它由死者的亲属捐献给寺院。
- The thighbone trumpet is one of the religious objects of esoteric buddhism thighbones are ofen donated to monasteries by family members of woman who died in childbirth .
- 前列腺癌还可经血道转移至骨骼,最常见的是骨盆、腰椎、股骨及肋骨。
- The prostate gland cancer may also menstruate a shift to the skeleton , what is most common is the pelvis , the lumbar vertebra , the thighbone and the rib .
- 膝盖是大腿骨和小腿胫的连接处。
- The knee is the jointswheresthe thighbone meets the large bone of the lower leg .
- 他的谋士劝他多忍耐几天,说不定刘备的军队很快就来了。
- His counselor advised him to hold out and maybe liu bei 's troops would come soon .
- 贝:和我在一起你开心吗?
- Bei : are you happy with me ?
- 贝:让你的身材看上去更棒。
- Bei : make your body look nice .