- 我已经解释过:海狸是勤奋的,但却不能和骡子相提并论。
- I already explained that beavers are industrious , but even beavers can 't hold a candle to the mule .
- 尤其,公驴(或者叫公畜)的后代骡子和母驴是不能生育的。
- Specifically , a mule is the infertile offspring of a male donkey , or " jack " , with a mare .
- 在想象中,他看到当骡子穿过石头小路时她的身体前后摇晃,她略带红色的灰白头发被沙漠的太阳从后面照亮。
- In his mind 's eye he sees her body rocking forward and back as the mule traverses the rocky trail , her reddish-gray hair lit from behind by the desert sun .