- 这无疑是个勇敢的姿态。
- It was doubtless a brave gesture .
- 那些警备队的小伙子们是很勇敢的。
- Those coast guard guys are brave .
- 警察不得不在数月里保持勇敢。
- The policeman had to be brave over months .
- 虽然船员们英勇地向着西伯利亚前进,但最终三十三名探险人员中有超过一半的人丧生。
- Although the crew made a valiant sprint for siberia , more than half the 33 men on the expedition perished .
- t的真实声音项目是一个勇敢的尝试,其目的是在当前的网络架构下尽可能的改进电路交换的语音质量。
- At & t true voice was a valiant attempt to improve circuit switched voice quality as much as possible in the context of current network architecture .
- 否则,人群是不受这些自然轻松地在广场上前行的演员的英勇表现的影响的。
- Otherwise , the crowd remains unaffected by the valiant efforts of the actors who move with a natural ease across the esplanade .
- 头顶的星辰给予了古希腊人无穷的数学灵感,但是他们可能从未想过能利用星星来计算圆周率。
- The stars overhead inspired the ancient greeks , but they probably never used them to calculate pi .
- 一般买方并不富裕但大都是来自农村和市郊的、达到小康生活水平的居民,皮说。
- Generally the buyers aren 't wealthy but are rural or suburban residents who have achieved moderate prosperity , says pi .
- 滨海新区负责人、苟利军的前任皮黔生于今年6月被免职,据报道称是由于腐败。
- Pi qiansheng , mr gou 's predecessor as head of binhai new area , was removed in june , reportedly for corruption .
- 毕博士及其同事计算出他们研发出的放映机,即使采用颜色更深的激光,所耗能量也只达一台一般的数字放映机所需的35%。
- Dr bi and his colleagues calculate that even with the boosted lasers their projector needs only 35 % of the power required to run a normal digital projector .
- 为了保证业务部门能够尽可能的利用数据仓库的价值,bi团队应该为各个部门创建一些标准报表和仪表盘。
- To ensure that business units exploit the full value of the data warehousing resource , bi teams should take an active role in creating standard reports or dashboards for each group .
- 更为困难的是跨越“鸿沟”,这要求管理层必须意识到dw/bi是一个对于整个企业都至关重要的资源,而不仅仅是it部门。
- To cross the " chasm " - which is much more difficult-executives must perceive the dw / bi environment as a mission-critical enterprise resource that they own , direct , and fund , not the it department .