- 共同价值和杰德.爱默生提出的综合价值概念(即公司在追求利益的同时也寻求社会和环境目标),两者之间有惊人的相似度。
- There is a striking similarity between shared value and jed emerson 's concept of blended value , in which firms seek simultaneously to pursue profit and social and environmental targets .
- 共用价值概念与jedemerson的混合价值(blendedvalue)概念惊人的相似,都是要求公司在追求利润的同时追求社会与环境目标。
- There is a striking similarity between shared value and jed emerson 's concept of blended value , in which firms seek simultaneously to pursue profit and social and environmental targets .
- 汤普森认为部分原因在于克雷•克里斯藤森所提出的“创新者的窘境”——如果一家公司过于关注利润最大化,那么它将无法推出成功的新产品,因为新产品会冲击现有的利润率。
- Part of this he attributes to the innovator 's dilemma -- clay christensen 's idea that a company focused on maximizing profits can 't pursue a successful new product because of its impact on existing profit margins .