- 没有性别歧视的男人才会性骚扰女人
- Men sexually harass women because they are not sexist
- 法官接受了被告不骚扰原告的承诺。
- The judge accepted the defendant 's undertaking not to harass the plaintiff .
- 他们控诉农场主们雇佣枪手去骚扰乃至杀害他们。
- They accused ranchers of employing gunmen to harass and even kill them .
- 但他们又何必如此麻烦?
- But why do they bother ?
- 若没有信心,我们根本不用费心谈恋爱了。
- Without it , we wouldn 't bother with love at all .
- 为什么还要麻烦的用这个量表呢?
- Why bother using the instrument at all ?
- 而加拿大的尼尔以教授语言为幌子,在亚洲各国寻找儿童作为其行侵犯的对象。
- Mr neil travelled asia as a language teacher while seeking boys to molest .
- 政权的民兵打手们把调戏妇女作为政治恐吓的形式-在大街上骚扰女性已经到了流行这种程度。
- The regime 's thugs molest women as a form of political bullying and harassment of women in the streets rises to epidemic levels .
- 使你不害我们,正如我们未曾害你,一味地厚待你,并且打发你平平安安的走。
- That you will do us no harm , just as we did not molest you but always treated you well and sent you away in peace .
- 卡西迪表示,我们为小孩买礼物时,应该与他们进行沟通,不要迁就于小孩的软缠硬磨;而要问他们需要什么。
- As for what we buy our children , cassidy says we should negotiate with them , not fall victim to pester power ; ask what they think they need .
- 幸运的是,《华尔街日报》记者的身份允许我们打电话向那些确实搞明白了的人请教,然后不断缠着他们问,直到这些人用我们能够明白的语言把这事讲清楚为止。
- Luckily for us , our position here at the journal allows us to call up folks who actually do understand this stuff , and then pester them incessantly until they explain it to us in small , monosyllabic grunts , we 're capable of digesting .
- 要承认这点是很痛苦的,但是孩子总是占理:纠缠是能起作用的。
- It is painful to acknowledge , but marketers were right all along : pester power works .