- 这样可以减少诈骗,并为政府节省钱财。
- This cuts fraud and saves governments money .
- 欺诈和窃取的范围之大令人咋舌。
- The scale of theft and fraud is shocking .
- 他在为避免引渡到香港接受诈骗罪审判而斗争。
- He is fighting extradition to hong kong to face trial on fraud charges .
- 这是一个偶然的骗局。
- It was an accidental hoax .
- 似乎看起来偏见的分析终归是正确的:耶路撒冷ufo视频是一个恶作剧。
- It seems that the skeptical analysis was correct after all : the jerusalem ufo video was a hoax .
- 1798年,当草图和兽皮被公布的时候,许多著名的英国科学家都认为是恶作剧。
- Many prominent british scientists deemed it a hoax when presented with a sketch and pelt , in 1798 .
- 然而,到今年年末,这一纪录被轻松打破,因为美国银行家伯纳德马多夫于12月11日被逮捕,并被指控运作一起价值500亿美元的庞氏骗局,在这一骗局中,早期投资者的收益来自较晚加入投资者的金钱。
- By the end of the year , however , it was easily topped , as us financier bernard madoff was arrested dec. 11 and charged with running a $ 50 billion ponzi scheme , a swindle in which early investors are paid off with money from later ones .
- 由于缺乏透明度和卷入其中的诈骗行为,丝毫没有过硬的资料说明这一问题会演变成多大的麻烦。
- Due to the lack of transparency and swindle involved , there is no hard information on how big this problem can become .
- 莫斯科维兹大喊,无比的愤慨充斥着他。“骗了我一生的积蓄,然后又要把我当奶油沙司吃掉!这是什么世道?”
- Moscowitz cried , bracing himself for the consummate outrage . " To swindle me out of my life 's savings and then to nosh me in butter sauce ! What kind of universe is this ? "