- 钱先生一直考虑的一件事是怎样能在不进一步增长工资的情况下留住员工。
- One big concern for mr qian is how to keep his workers , without increasing his wage bill even further .
- 否则网民会倾向于认为,钱死亡的照片只是谋杀的证据和肮脏的遮羞布。
- Otherwise the netizens will incline to think that qian yunhui photographs was proof of foul play and a sloppy cover-up .
- 报道说,其中的一个人摇了摇手,卡车就缓慢地从钱先生身上开过去。
- One of the men waved his hand , and a truck then drove slowly over mr. qian , the reports said .