- 叙述的故事表明被一个政权征服的群体精通于骇人听闻的暴行。
- The tales recounted suggest a population subjugated by a regime well versed in appalling brutality .
- 然而,这个使高等教育自由化的办法却有可怕的一面。
- But this way of liberalising higher education offers an appalling prospect .
- 与此同时,和饮食紊乱的另一个可怕的问题显现了出来,肥胖。
- In the meantime , another appalling phenomenon among eating disorders is also on the rise : obesity .
- 家庭中任何人去世都令人震惊。
- Any death in a family is shocking .
- 这个可以预见,也完全令人震惊。
- This was both predictable and utterly shocking .
- 波罗的海地区的经济低迷令人震惊。
- The economic downturns in the region are shocking .
- 你是否觉得这很恐怖?
- You think this is terrifying ?
- 20世纪30年代提供了最为恐怖的实例。
- The 1930s provided the most terrifying example .
- 可怕的声称已经被证明是错误的。
- Terrifying claims have proven wrong .