- 《左传》是我国第一部成熟的编年体史著。
- " Zuo zhuan " be our country mature the first annalistic style history work .
- 马萨诸塞大学达特茅斯分校的左越刚(音译)及其同事研究发现约有90%的美钞含有可卡因。
- A study by yuegang zuo of the university of massachusetts dartmouth and colleagues has found that about 90 percent of banknotes contain traces of cocaine .
- 然而,在日本侵略者的威胁利诱下,周作人因为不能忘情于舒适甚至奢侈的物质生活,怕死,最终还是堕落为汉奸文人。
- But zhou zuo-ren finally degenerates into traitor as a literator under the intimida tion and enticement of japanese aggressor , because he indulges himself in comfort and luxurious life .