- 他们坚持认为全球变暖是胡说八道。
- Global warming was nonsense , they insisted .
- 没有诸如卡路里计算或担心碳水化合物或蛋白质摄入量之类的废话。
- No calorie counting , worrying about carbs vs. proteins or other such nonsense .
- 更多的明智的国家,比如巴西,应该更加坚定地反对这个废话。
- More sensible powers , notably brazil , should be much louder opponents of this nonsense .
- 别跟我上“探索频道”的废课。
- Spare me the discovery channel blather .
- 单独去看一个陌生人的twitter或是facebook更新会觉得很无聊,因为都是些无关紧要的话。
- Merely looking at a stranger 's twitter or facebook feed isn 't interesting , because it seems like blather .
- 当我们胡扯琐碎的事情时,我们自己就变得琐碎,因为我们的注意力甘于琐碎。
- When we blather about trivial things , we ourselves become trivial , for our attention gets taken up with trivialities .