- 其中,一群人数超过400的难民坐一条驳船漂流,身边只有两袋米和两加仑水。
- One group of over 400 refugees was set adrift on a barge with two sacks of rice and two gallons of water .
- 最终,一艘带有镀金船首的游艇朝向滑铁卢桥(waterloobridge)驶来:当天的皇家游艇thespiritofchartwell。
- Eventually , a river cruiser with a gilded bow headed towards our perch on waterloo bridge : the spirit of chartwell , royal barge for the day .
- 我离开驳船,小心翼翼地走向了那只穿进竹绿色的海水的内管。
- I step off the barge and creep gingerly around the inner-tube as it bobs in the green-blue water .
- 李先生的打火机公司有20年的历史,其有形资产和善意订单足可以向银行贷款。
- Mr li 's lighter factory , with a 20-year history , tangible assets and bona fide orders , can obtain loans from a bank .
- 如今,他的别墅里充斥着美利坚式的大路货:zippo打火机、鹿头模型、一支黑色的猎枪,以及产自得克萨斯的黑色皮制枪套。
- Now , the interior of his vacation home is sprinkled with all-american kitsch -- there 's a zippo lighter collection , a mounted deer head , a black airsoft gun with a leather holster from texas .
- 糖盒来自普罗旺斯的一家小店,雪茄模具(cigarmold)和水晶打火机都是我以前工作留下的道具,因为john是一位狂热的雪茄爱好者所以我们保留了这两样东西。
- The candy box is from a small shop in provence ; the cigar mold and crystal lighter were leftover props from an event I worked on , which we kept on hand since john is an avid cigar enthusiast .
- 但是在她竞选活动中,她不得不驳斥两个证据不足的指控。
- But during her campaign she had to rebut not one but two unsubstantiated allegations of infidelity .
- 他们的提升并不意味着焕然一新的政府在驳斥反对派在腐败上幸灾乐祸的嘲讽会比以前容易。
- Their promotions mean the new-look government will find it no easier than the old one to rebut gleeful opposition gibes over corruption .
- 许多人试图驳斥上述问题,但每次尝试却只能引发更多争议。
- Many attempts have been made to rebut such concerns , but each attempt has just fueled more debate .
- 共和党人认为该法案侵犯了美国的领土主权。
- Republicans argue that it encroaches on american sovereignty .
- 也有乐观者争辩道城市化会影响人口统计。
- Optimists argue that urbanisation can trump demography .
- 一些人认为这并不是问题。
- Some argue that none of this matters .
- 但日常生活似乎与这种看法相矛盾。
- But everyday life appears to contradict that view .
- 上帝不会与他所说的话相矛盾。
- God will never contradict his written word .
- 挤满战舰的南海不意味着就与亚洲的光明未来相抵触。
- A sea crowded with warships does not contradict an era of great promise for asia .
- 这个方法也可以应用在杂色馆问题中。
- This method can also be applied to the motley hall problem .
- 与三年前在此巡逻的装备混杂的平民部队相比,一切已有了巨大的改进。
- It all marks a huge improvement on the ragtag troops with motley weapons who patrolled here three years ago .
- 小男孩已经朝附近杂色斑驳的泥砖屋子逃去,但大男孩还在原地,挺着胸嘟嘟囔囔,表示他不害怕。
- The younger boy had already run off towards a motley collection of mud brick houses nearby ; but the eldest was still there , muttering darkly , chest out , showing that he wasn 't intimidated .