- 正如他在《自然科学》中所述,弗里茨和他的同事已经发现一种学名为crassicorophiumbonellii(一种虾子,译者注)的小型海洋甲壳类动物能够分泌一种兼具藤壶胶的粘性特点及蜘蛛丝的结构特性的物质。
- As he describes in n aturwissenschaften , he and his colleagues have found that a small marine crustacean called crassicorophium bonellii produces a material which has the adhesive characteristics of barnacle glue and the structural properties of spider-silk fibres .
- 研究者做了3个实验使用诱饵吸引蚂蚁到蜘蛛丝这边来.
- The researchers used bait to attract ants towards the spider silk , in three different experiments .
- 正如他在《自然科学》中所述,弗里茨和他的同事已经发现一种学名为crassicorophiumbonellii(一种虾子,译者注)的小型海洋甲壳类动物能够分泌一种兼具藤壶胶的粘性特点及蜘蛛丝的结构特性的物质。
- As he describes in n aturwissenschaften , he and his colleagues have found that a small marine crustacean called crassicorophium bonellii produces a material which has the adhesive characteristics of barnacle glue and the structural properties of spider-silk fibres .