- 我并不支持全面的税收协调。
- I am not advocating overall tax harmonisation .
- 总体上说富有的国家表现更好。
- Wealthy countries do better overall .
- 寻找能全面提高健康水平和生活热情的方法。
- Look for ways to improve overall well-being and enthusiasm for life .
- 最后的绘画作品之一是焦特布尔辛格王公二世的肖像画。
- One of the last images is a portrait of maharaja jaswant singh ii of jodhpur .
- 拉贾斯坦邦政府对焦特普尔死亡事故展开了调查,将责任归咎于医院员工在采购药品时把关不严。
- A state government investigation into the jodhpur deaths blamed the hospital staff for lax procurement of medicines .
- 那天傍晚,卢卡莎娜被转到圣雄甘地医院(mahatmagandhihospital),这是焦特普尔另外一家政府医疗机构,专门处理危重病例。
- Late that afternoon , ms. ruksana transferred to mahatma gandhi hospital , another government institution in jodhpur that handles critical cases .
- 你是怎么让你的裤子不掉下来的?
- How are you still keeping your britches up ?
- 你想要穿裤子吗?
- You ready to get into some britches ?
- 尾部和四肢被毛还有羽状附毛。看起来藏獒很自然。
- Tail and britches densely coated and heavily feathered . The tibetan mastiff is shown naturally .