- 他戴棒球帽,每天早上开几个小时出租车,在下午照料他的无花果树、苹果树和橘子树。
- He wore a yankees cap , drove a taxi for a few hours every morning and tended to his fig , apple and orange trees in the afternoon .
- 乍一看,ibm和卡耐基基金会从事的是两种如此截然不同的事业,以至于比较它们就好像比较苹果园和橘子林一样不靠谱。
- At first glance , ibm and the carnegie corporation seem to be engaged in such different endeavours that comparing them might seem about as sensible as comparing apple orchards and orange groves .
- 乍一看,ibm和卡耐基基金会从事的是两种如此截然不同的事业,以至于比较它们就好像比较苹果园和橘子林一样不靠谱。
- At first glance , ibm and the carnegie corporation seem to be engaged in such different endeavours that comparing them might seem about as sensible as comparing apple orchards and orange groves .