- 去年谋杀犯罪率上升最为显著的是在中西部地区城市如奥马哈和密尔沃基。
- The sharpest increases in murders last year occurred in the midwest , in cities such as omaha and milwaukee .
- 艾琳伯克,奥马哈市一位23岁的非营利组织市场营销人员,今年来已经通过使用groupons节省了56美元。
- Erin burke , a 23-year-old marketer for a nonprofit organization in omaha , has saved $ 56 using groupons so far this year .
- 同时,在奥马哈市,thomasdurant博士非法掌控了联合太平洋的股份,使他完全控制了整个铁路项目。
- Meanwhile , in omaha , dr. thomas durant had illegally achieved a controlling interest in the union pacific railroad company , giving him complete authority over the project .
- Macha爆炸机功能开关故障分析
- Analysis of failure of functional switches in Macha blaster
- 利用十二烷基硫酸钠-聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳(SDS-PAGE)方法对29份马卡小麦材料进行了高分子谷蛋白亚基(HMW-GS)分析。
- The high-molecular-weight glutenin subunits ( HMW-GS ) of 29 Triticum macha Dek . Et Men . are analyzed by SDS-PAGE method .
- 这一电路的改造在不影响原系统电路正常工作的情况下,增加了预备信号功能电路,使MACHA爆炸机的使用趋于完善与方便。
- The modification can present ARM signal without in-fluence the normal work of original circuit and make MACHA blaster more perfect and convenient .