- 根据估测,如果已经被永无止境的培育的海拉细胞沿着地球放置,它们将会绕地球三圈。
- According to one estimate , if all the hela cells ever cultured were laid end to end they would encircle the globe three times .
- 将它们首尾相连地放置,铺成人字形砖造通道。
- Place end to end to make herringbone pattern brick pathway .
- 同时,如果想把互联网络域名系统加以国际化,就必须通过公开、不独占的标准,以及完全与互联网络现行端对端(end-to-end)模式兼容,并且以普遍可以理解的公共名称空间来保留全球特有的命名。
- At the same time , the internationalization of the internet 's domain name system must be accomplished through standards that are open , non-proprietary , and fully compatible with the internet 's existing end-to-end model and that preserve globally unique naming in a universally resolvable public name space .