- 这是他人生当中第一次恋爱。
- This is the first love of his life .
- 替我把少女们称做``枉费之爱``的花拿来,一旦将那紫色小花的汁液滴在睡眠者的眼皮上,当他们醒来时,便会疯狂的爱上所看到的第一件东西。
- Oberon : fetch me the flower which maids call love in idleness ; the juice of that little purple flower , laid on the eyelids of those who sleep , will make them , when they awake , love madly the first thing they see .
- 对男人来说,成为一个女人的初恋是幸运的;而对女人来讲,更幸运的则是成为男人最后一个爱人。
- Lucky is the man who is the first love of a woman , luckier is the woman who is the last love of a man .