- 我们还记得三十五年前那次白喉流行症曾广泛侵袭塞纳沿河岸一带的地区,当时的科学还利用了这一机会来大规模试验明矾喷雾疗法的效果,这种疗法幸而今天已被外用碘酒所替代。
- The reader will remember the great epidemic of croup which ravaged the river districts of the seine in paris thirty-five years ago , and of which science took advantage to make experiments on a grand scale as to the efficacy of inhalations of alum , so beneficially replaced at the present day by the external tincture of iodine .
- 由于历史的冲突和目前让人困扰的经济衰退,贩毒和非法移民有足够的理由对跨越格兰德河的关系无疑变得更加让人担忧。
- A history of conflict and a present bedevilled by recession , drug-trafficking and illegal immigration should be reason enough to make relations across the rio grande decidedly fraught .
- 托克斯小姐与我总是在场的,我们认为这一点很有必要。
- Miss tox and myself are always present . We make a point of it .
- 酒阁公司保留最终解释权。
- Cuvee co. reserves the right for final explanation of above clauses .
- 按照特殊的选择方式,自然的再发酵将勾兑好的葡萄酒转化成令人愉快的汽酒。
- Prepared according to a special selection method , natural re-ferrmentation transforms this cuvee into a delightful sparkling wine .