- 他已付了那顿饭的钱。
- He has paid for the meal .
- 每餐都提供水果和蔬菜。
- Serve fruits and vegetables at every meal .
- 我希望你这顿饭吃得愉快。
- I hope you enjoyed your meal .
- 我觉得如果他不看菜谱的话能做意大利饭么
- Do you think he would do a risotto without the dairy ?
- “心形龙虾拌饭”一客要35块钱?
- $ 35 For " lobster risotto in a heart-shaped mold " ?
- 曾经烹饪学校一位来自意大利的令人生畏的主厨讲师给我及同班同学马克斯布置了一次作业,那就是午餐做意大利调味饭。
- A fearsome chef-instructor at a cooking school in italy once gave an assignment to me and my classmate max to make risotto for lunch .
- 允许自己吃点垃圾食品。
- Allow yourself some junk food .
- 哪里能看得见食品卡车?
- Where are the food trucks ?
- 我可以要婴儿食品吗?
- Can I request a baby food ?