- 小企鹅孵化后,雄性就用食管里一个腺体分泌的奶汁喂它。
- Once the chick is hatched , the male feeds it with milk from a gland in his esophagus .
- 这种可怕的癌症发生在食道的细胞内,通常会发生在食道的下部。
- This terrible cancer begins in the esophagus cells . It usually grows in the lower esophagus .
- 烧心的最普遍理由就是吃的太多了,胃酸溢出进入食道。
- The most common reason for heartburn is eating too much , so acid overflows into the esophagus .
- 探针也已用于体内诊疗,比如插入食道检查异常组织生长或更清楚地观察心脏。
- Probes are already applied from inside the body , too , like those inserted down the oesophagus to examine abnormal growths or to get a clearer image of the heart .
- 先前的研究已经表明饮酒与食道癌,肝癌,肠癌、女性乳腺癌有关。
- Previous research has shown a link between alcohol consumption and cancers of the oesophagus , liver , bowel and female breast .
- 据世界癌症基金会调查,有力证据显示引用酒精,也会增加罹患乳癌,和口,咽,喉,食管方面癌症的风险。
- According to the wcrf , there is also convincing evidence that drinking alcohol also increases the risk of breast cancer and cancers of the mouth , pharynx , larynx and oesophagus .
- 马拉斯说碳酸饮料会导致食道长期处于酸性环境的胃回流。
- Mallath says that fizzy drinks can lead to gastric reflux which causes the gullet to become acidic for long periods .
- 同时日本的科研人员也发现每天仅需要一杯咖啡便可以将患上口腔和食道癌症的危险降低一半。
- And japanese scientists found just one cup a day could nearly halve the risk of dangerous cancers affecting the mouth and gullet .
- 喝茅台酒会让你熟悉酒是如何瞬间从食道流至血液的感觉。
- Drinking moutai familiarizes you with how instantaneously alcohol can go from gullet to bloodstream .
- 目的探讨一种新的精确定位喉、气管周围血管网的展示方法.
- Objective to explore a new exhibition method that can locate the position of vascular plexus around the throat and weasand .
- 然而,之前的研究表明碳酸饮料和食道腺癌之间的联系有一种貌似合理的生物学解释。
- However , previous studies suggest there is a plausible biological explanation to link soft drink consumption with esophageal adenocarcinoma .
- 她还指出,此类食品销量的增长暗合了慢性酸反流引起的食道癌病例惊人增加的现象。
- And she notes that the rise in consumption of such foods coincides with a staggering increase in esophageal cancer caused by chronic acid reflux .
- 缺乏aldh2患者如果每天喝两瓶啤酒,比那些不缺乏这种酶的人患上食道癌的风险要高上6到10倍。
- An aldh2-deficient person who has two beers a day has six to 10 times the risk of developing esophageal cancer as a person not deficient in the enzyme .