- 现在米兰和国妓都很渴望得到他,这名世界杯冠军成员在5:1战胜阿雷佐后的谈话也使人感到他已经准备辞别了。
- With milan and inter lining up to take him on , the world cup winner 's comments after the5-1victory at arezzo had a feel of farewell about them .
- 在周一休息了一天以后,米兰将会在周二下午重新集结进行训练,备战周四意大利杯对阵阿雷佐的比赛。
- After a day off on monday , milan will be back training on tuesday afternoon to prepare for the italian cup tie at arezzo on thursday .
- 国际足联主席布拉特也正考虑将下届联合会杯以福的名字命名。
- Fifa president sepp blatter is considering naming the next confederations cup after foe .